How Do Biblical Principles Align with Coaching?

The biblical principles in the Bible emphasize personal growth, healing, accountability, positive changes, and focus on character development which mirror the core tenets of coaching.  We aim to help individuals identify strengths, weaknesses, and overcome challenges in order to reach their full potential, drawing from the values found in the Bible such as integrity, compassion and perseverance.

The basic principles of coaching integrate faith, truth and perseverance. This will benefit the coachee providing deep understanding and insight, ultimately promoting better decision making.  Biblical principles are essential to everyday life, how we live and interact with one another.  The 10 commandments in Exodus 20:1-17 are a perfect demonstration of how integrity is important, how humanity (mankind) should love one another, to be honest in every dealing, have faith, trust in the Creator at all times, and apply His Word to your life by doing His will.   As a result, your interactions with others are genuine, promoting morality and integrity, which are essential for everyday living in business and personal life. 

Faith is needed in our entire existence; even if you are not a believer.  Faith inspires people to trust and embrace the unknown, not knowing the outcome.  By putting into action the goal you’re striving to achieve while embracing the journey, you will find success.   Believers and non-believers have to exercise faith in their lives.  This scripture exemplifies it perfectly; Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for the conviction of things not seen.”  

This faith has been applied by believers and non-believers in their personal lives, careers and businesses, resulting in success.   A believer must walk and live by faith as Yahoshua our Messiah (Others call Him Jesus Christ) illustrates in scripture providing a clear roadmap for all to follow.  Faith is when a client takes the first step to seek help and secondly, wholeheartedly believes your sessions will change them for the better.  Once your client realizes this, the coach can help them appreciate the relevance of Bible principles in the coaching process. 

Faith is the main ingredient that fosters trust prior to taking action towards any goals.  In order for faith to work, there must be corresponding action.   James 2:14 (NLT) tells us “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?  Can that kind of faith save anyone?”   Faith with proper action is the driving force to experience true transformation, which is needed to reach full potential.   Clients are not only helped to achieve their goals, but by the end of the coaching relationship, their faith will have grown and their relation with our Elohim (God) deepened. 


Perseverance is the active role in driving success and what separates ordinary from the extraordinary.   As professional coaches, the perseverance principle should be incorporated in his or her coaching relationships to accomplish the best outcomes.   Perseverance develops character in each and every one of us.  Romans 5:4 (NKJV) states “And perseverance, character; and character hope” also James 1:2-4 further explains “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing your faith produces patience (endurance, perseverance), but let patience (perseverance) have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.”  

Coaches must assist their clients to understand the world’s misconceptions of perseverance and to understand that going through adversity is difficult.  Our heavenly Father YHWH (Yahweh) our Creator rescues us through those hard times, giving us the fortitude to stay committed and not give up through His only begotten Son the Messiah.  As 2 Timothy 2:3 (NKJV) reminds us “You must therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Yahoshua Messiah (Jesus Christ).” 


Truth is a leading principle every client requires.  What is truth?  Truth is factual, not influenced by personal viewpoints.   What are some of the qualities of truth? Sincerity, accuracy, honesty and authenticity.   A coach must be true to who they are; be authentic, unafraid of verbalizing the truth, even when it is unpopular.   Authenticity is embracing who you are as a person, accepting your gifts, style and skill set, instead of mirroring someone else.   To be a transformative coach, you cannot hide your true personality behind a mask.   Implementing your uniqueness and truth in the coaching process, your client-coach relationship creates an environment of honesty, where trust is formed.   Therefore, in a client-coach relationship, trust is vital. Without it, clients may not open up to you and work only on a superficial level with no real change occurring.  

Truth is the path to transformation that positions the client where they are now to where they want to go and become.   A client that sees truth is able to move forward having greater clarity of who he/she really is and wants to achieve in their life.   Through truth, clarity is ignited, helping the client to focus on what really matters; propelling them to their desired goals, both personal and professional.   Ephesians 4:15 (NKJV) reiterates “Instead speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head of that is Messiah.  Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”


Biblical tenets are essential when integrated into the professional practices of faith, perseverance and truth.   It is paramount that these principles are applied to coaching. They add value to the coach and the client, while fostering a deep-rooted trust in the relationship that expands beyond coach and coachee, where others who surround them are influenced by the transformational change of the coachee (client).  Elohim’s (God) standards are higher than Man’s standard.   We are challenged to comprehend the scriptures, testing our realities to see, “Does it align with Elohim’s teachings?”  Effectiveness is achieved when applying biblical tenets to coaching for the development of others.  These teachings will provide deep insight to the client and enhance ethical practices of coaches for the best outcome.

How Do Biblical Principles Align with Coaching?

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