
Does YAHWEH prohibit us from wearing mix fabric?

Does YAHWEH prohibit us from wearing mix fabric?

As Christians, we are not bound by the entire Law of Moses, but rather are called to follow the principles of the New Testament. However, some principles and laws in the Old Testament are still applicable and relevant today. But, does YAHWEH prohibit us from wearing mix fabric?

Yes, He absolutely does! He gives commandments to us because he cares about your life and He sent His Son YAHOSHUA our Messiah, who came so that we might have life more abundantly. Yahweh’s Commands are given for our blessing and our well-being, so we must not ignore them.

The prohibition is that we should not mix plant thread with animal thread by interweaving, blending them together to create one fabric material and being worn as a garment.

Leviticus 19:19 clearly illustrates this commandment: “You are to keep My statutes. Do not mate two different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two different kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven from two different kinds of thread.” Deuteronomy 22:11 further affirms: “Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.”

Now, wearing two different pieces of garment made by 100% material for each garment is acceptable. For example, a cotton undergarment with a linen outer garment is permitted. This shows that the commandment is not about mixing materials per se, but rather about creating a new material by combining different types of threads.

The reason for this commandment is not entirely clear, but some interpretations suggest that it is a symbolic representation of the need for purity and separation. The mixing of fabrics could represent the mixing of good and evil, or the blending of different beliefs or practices.

Regardless of the interpretation, it is clear that the prohibition against wearing mixed fabrics is an important commandment that we should take seriously. Scriptures the Torah prohibits the blending of fabrics for our protection.

In conclusion, while the literal interpretation of the law may suggest that wearing mix fabrics is a sin, alternative interpretations suggest that it is a symbolic representation of the need for purity and separation. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to interpret and abide by this particular law according to their own faith and beliefs. However, we should not ignore Yahweh’s commands, as they are given for our blessing and our well-being.


  1. Why did Yahweh prohibit wearing mix fabrics?

The reason for this commandment is not entirely clear, but some interpretations suggest that it is a symbolic representation of the need for purity and separation.

  1. Can I wear two different pieces of garment made by 100% material for each garment?

Yes, you can wear two different pieces of garment made by 100% material for each garment.

  1. Is wearing mixed fabrics a sin?

While the literal interpretation of the law may suggest that wearing mixed fabrics is a sin, alternative interpretations suggest that it is a symbolic representation of the need for purity and separation.

  1. What is the significance of Yahweh’s commands?

Yahweh’s commands are given for our blessing and our well-being, so we should not ignore them.

  1. Are Christians bound by the entire Law of Moses?

As Christians, we are not bound by the entire Law of Moses, but rather are called to follow the principles of the New Testament. However, some principles and laws in the Old Testament are still applicable and relevant today.

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Toya Rich
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