Life Balance Wheel Interactive Assessment

What is the Life Balance Wheel ?

The Life Balance Wheel is a simple, yet powerful interactive self-assessment tool used to identify facets of your life, including areas that require improvement. 

Segments within the circular diagram represent aspects of life where you feel the most fulfilled, while pinpointing areas that need attention, suggesting ways to prioritize your goals effectively.

Over time, the Life Balance Wheel can be used to track progress and measure the impact of the interventions utilized. It offers a visual representation of the journey, making it easier to notice positive changes.

The Life Balance wheel is a visual framework that helps you see imbalances in your life, allowing you to identify areas that need focus to prioritize personal growth.  It will also help to empower you to set goals by taking the steps required for achieving greater balance.

How to use the Life Balance Wheel?

  • Answer each question per category by the satisfaction rating scale.
    Do not over think. 
  • Once completed, the scores are then plotted on the corresponding segments of the wheel, thus creating avisual representation of your current life balance.
  • Analyze the wheel (Review each category where the wheel dips
    low, identifying those areas needed for improvement.
  • Finally, set goals and take actionable steps to address those areas
    you would like to improve for greater balance in your life.

    Life Balance Wheel Assessment uses a satisfaction rating scale as follows:-

    In each category on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “very dissatisfied” and 10 being “very satisfied”. 


1. Very dissatisfied

2. Dissatisfied 

3. Somewhat dissatisfied

4. Partly neutral 

5. Neutral 

6. Partly satisfied

7. Satisfied

8. Likely satisfied

9. More than satisfied 

10. Very satisfied

How much does it cost?

Our Life Balance Wheel Assessment is free. There is no catch! Just register to take the assessment.

Before Starting the Life Balance Wheel Assessment

Doing a 1- 2 minute mindful breathing exercise can help settle your mind, reduce rumination, internal chatter, over thinking and anxiety. The key to overcoming this tendency is to clear your mind. Leave your preconceived beliefs and conditioning behind when going through this exercise.

This method will  help you get rooted in the body and calm the mind. Which helps loosen your mind’s rigidity and conditioning. If you implement this technique before taking the Life Balance Wheel Assessment, the process will go much smoother.

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